Serhiy REBROV: “One must do his job fairly”

Serhiy REBROV: “One must do his job fairly”

On sole team

- We’ve made conclusions and introduced changes to see a sole team on the field. I think we have high profile players, but they must be a team. What we’ve done is only the first step aimed to cope with problems we had 2-3 weeks ago.

On changes and work

- As for intensiveness of our play, it was much higher in our games against Olimpik, Besiktas and Zirka than before. We compare the number of speed-ups. Even being one goal ahead players try to score more.

On criticism

- I see when players feel negative attitude of fans and media. We won two domestic titles in a row, but lost a couple of games and people started criticizing us. My task is to support players. I’m sure they can play football.

On failures

- Of course we all care about our failures. In the morning I always go to work to analyze problems we have. That’s what coaches do. No one knows how long he’ll work. It’s all up to president of the club. One must just do his job fairly.

On competition

- We can’t put everyone on players’ list. It’s difficult to explain performers why they’re out of it. Coach’s criteria are training sessions and statistics. If someone has a question “why”, we can show him figures.

On UEFA elite coaches’ forum

- We communicated, there were a lot of interesting questions. For me it was great to talk to best European coaches. When I met Arsene Wenger we discussed my transfer to Arsenal that failed. I also talked to Alex Ferguson.

On favorite coach

- I really like Atletico Madrid style. I had an opportunity to meet Jürgen Klopp when he worked for Borussia. I think that’s the way football will develop. It will be about speed and play intensiveness.

On lack of motivation

- Some players just lose motivation. I think if a team has ambitious goals performers must come and leave. If president and coach think some player lacks motivation, they should let him go. It’s difficult to work when you have same performers for 2-3 seasons. Still there’s nothing we can do about it. Players have contracts. President paid money for them, so they can’t leave for free.

On possibility to leave Dynamo

- I’ve talked to president. He’s told journalists that I’m free to let youngsters join the team. If something goes wrong I won’t be able to work on. I’m 100% sure we need enforcement. Unfortunately at the moment we can’t sign performers I need. Still I see potential in youth team.

* photo by V. Rasner

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