Viktor Zhuravliov: “Our warriors support Dynamo Kyiv!”

Viktor Zhuravliov: “Our warriors support Dynamo Kyiv!”

One citizen in ten takes part in it. A year and a half ago Kyivan Viktor Zhuravliov gathered his friends to bring socially important projects to life.

- Viktor, how did you become a volunteer?

- After Maidan problems the state can’t cope with became obvious. When the existence of our country was under threat society became the impulsive force. People started supporting army, wounded soldiers, refugees etc. Our organization has been existing for almost a year and we’ve already reached some success.

- One of your projects is really impressive…

- Our volunteer Andriy Ivanov often was on the frontline and saw soldiers’ needs. Eventually we decided to thank warriors for courage, so we built 18-appartmen house at their military base. At first no one believed we would succeed without support of the state, but in seven months we cut the ribbon.

- Considering your tight schedule, do you find time for football?

- I try to as this is also the part of my life. I grew up in Shostka, but when I moved to Kyiv I started supporting Dynamo and attending their matches. In late 1990s Valeriy Lobanovskyi’s team was impressive.

- Do soldiers have a possibility to watch football matches?

- When they’re not busy fulfilling combat missions they can do that. They have TV, phones and Internet access. In autumn Dynamo success in the Champions League gladdened everyone.  

Read the full version of this interview in FC Dynamo Kyiv magazine new issue

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