Congratulations from Dynamo president on Christmas and New Year holidays

Congratulations from Dynamo president on Christmas and New Year holidays

Dear supporters!

On behalf of FC Dynamo Kyiv, I would like to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Another difficult year is coming to an end. A year full of challenges. But our people keep demonstrating their striving for freedom and indomitability, their ability to unite and support each other. Undoubtedly, Ukrainian football in the new realities is going through difficult times, but what matters is that it has survived and continues to bring positive emotions to people, which is so important these days. We all support our national team and hope they qualify for the Euro-2024. Our national youth teams are also doing well. To preserve and raise new generations of talented Ukrainian players – we see this as the supreme mission of the national football industry.

But football is not thing our club cares about. Today the most important thing is the support of our defenders, who stand as a wall at the frontline day and night, 24 hours a day, and reclaim our lands brazenly seized by the invaders. The future of the country depends on them. They sacrifice their lives on the battlefield for the peaceful sky that all Ukrainians dream of. Only by standing together, the whole country, can we defeat the evil that came to our country and brought war, pain and grief. Civilians also need help as due to the war millions of Ukrainians found themselves in a difficult situation. FC Dynamo Kyiv and the Surkis Brothers Foundation work tirelessly every day, trying to help everyone in need.

The time of Christmas holidays is always full of special magic and expectations of a miracle. It is at this time that people make wishes and expect their dreams to come true, hoping for a better and happier life. Hearts are filled with faith, hope and love. So let us all dream of of ending the war with our victory as soon as possible, ending the suffering caused by this war, and returning to a peaceful life. May the new year bring us all happiness, good news and the approach of the most important Victory, which we all long for! To all our loyal fans, we thank you for supporting the team throughout the year and hope to see you at the stadiums soon!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

FC Dynamo Kyiv president

Ihor Surkis

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