Yuriy Semin: "We lack experience unlike FC Porto"

Yuriy Semin: "We lack experience unlike FC Porto"

Dynamo Kyiv vs. FC Porto. Post-match press conference

Yuriy Semin, Dynamo coach:
- The second goal we conceded was down to us failing to convert our chances in front of goal. We hit the post and after that they launched a counterattack and scored; we were tired and lost concentration. It is our fault that we allowed the striker [Lisandro] to carry the ball 50 metres and that the three defenders that were around him did not put in a challenge. Another factor is Porto's vast experience, something we don't have. We failed to see through certain things we planned but we still created several great chances, which we should have finished off.

My players did their best and were fully committed but there are certain matches you cannot win despite doing everything you can. After 65 minutes, Porto increased the pressure thanks to their substitutions and we were forced into several mistakes. There weren't many but luck wasn't on our side. We're all to blame – all the players, all the coaches. The team performed well and the spectators saw a great match. Anyone can lose on a given day and today it had to be us. I will not single anyone out because everyone was determined and tried their best.

Jesualdo Ferreira, Porto coach:
- It was a good game, and all the players did very well because we had to win. The teams had very different approaches and plans for the match; Dynamo, being at home, tried to control the space and tempo and to get the result they needed, while our ultimate goal was to win. My players stuck to the plan 100 per cent. I would say we were unlucky when we conceded the goal in the first half because it was Dynamo's only chance before the break. I have to thank all the players. All of them were so determined, as if their lives depended on it. The critics who wrote Porto off in Europe and in the league have received a response tonight – Porto will not tolerate not being in first place. I will not make any forecasts but tonight we achieved what we had to achieve and I hope we will continue on like this. During the game we played like the real Porto and I hope this is something we continue to display. Defensively, we looked like Porto did in their best years.


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