Manipulations issue in Borys clinic

Manipulations issue in Borys clinic

This year our team got two days for that – January 15 and 16. All performers were divided into two groups. The first one looked as follows: Olexandr Shovkovskyi, Maxym Koval, Roman Bezus, Domagoj Vida, Ognjen Vukojevic, Denys Harmash, Danilo Silva, Artem Kravets, Yevhen Makarenko, Yevhen Selin, Serhiy Sydorchuk, Yevhen Khacheridi and Andriy Yarmolenko.

Some performers arrived earlier than other.

Croats Vukojevic and Vida were the first to undergo all necessary manipulations.

According to players medical examination lasted more than one hour on the average. All interventions were quite usual for our performers but for the heart ultrasound investigation.

“All doctors said that I’m fine! I’ve even lost 500 grams”, - told journalists Andriy Yarmolenko, who was in good mood.

Loyal supporters also came to the clinic to get some autographs.

On January 16 the second group of Dynamo performers will have medical examination.

* photos by V. Tymchenko

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