Dynamo players’ 2023/24 UPL statistics

Dynamo players’ 2023/24 UPL statistics

The White-Blues have finished the 2023/24 Ukrainian Premier League season in the 2nd place.

Dynamo won 22 games out of 30, lost 5 and played in a draw 3 times.

Kyivans scored 72 goals and conceded 28, so the goal difference is +44.

31 performers were on Dynamo players’ list throughout the season. 26 of them took the field at least once.

Most appearances

27 – Vanat, Brazhko

26 – Bushchan, Voloshyn

25 – Kabayev

24 – Popov

23 – Tymchyk, Buialskyi

22 – Dubinchak, Shaparenko, Andriyevskyi

21 – Shepelev, Karavayev

Most starting lineup appearances

26 – Vanat, Bushchan

24 – Popov

22 – Brazhko

21 – Voloshyn, Tymchyk

20 – Kabayev, Buialskyi

19 – Shaparenko

Most time played (minutes)

2340 – Bushchan

2180 – Vanat

2043 – Popov

2025 – Brazhko

1781 – Tymchyk

Leading goalscorers

14 – Vanat

10 – Buialskyi

8 – Yarmolenko

7 – Voloshyn

6 – Brazhko

Leading assistants

7 – Vanat

6 – Voloshyn

5 – Buialskyi, Shaparenko

Goal + assist

21 (14+7) – Vanat

15 (10+5) – Buialskyi

13 (7+6) – Voloshyn

11 (8+3) – Yarmolenko

Dynamo players’ statistics in 2023/2024 UPL season

№        Player           Matches  Start   Substitute   Minutes           Goals*             Assists YC       RC


1           Bushchan               26         26         3           2340                  -20        -             1           -

35         Neshcheret           4           4           25         360                     -7          -             -            -

51         Morhun             -            -            22         -                          -            -             -            -

74         Ihnatenko          -            -            2           -                          -            -             -            -


2           Vivcharenko       15         12         12         1040                   0           2             2           -

4           Popov                24         24         -            2043                   1           -             1           1

23         Malysh              3           0           16         52                      -            -             -            -

24         Tymchyk              23         21         1           1781                   2           -             3           1

25         Diachuk                 19         16         9           1466                   1           1             4           -

32         Mykhavko           8           7           10         576                     -            -             -            -

34         Syrota              16         10         12         1002                   -           1             1           1

40         Bilovar             6           4           19         375                     -            -             1           -

44         Dubinchak           22         18         7           1660                   1           2             5           -

90         Husiev                  -            -            1           -                          -            -             -            -


6           Brazhko             27         22         -            2025                   6           3             4           -

7           Yarmolenko      17         13         -            1070                   8 (2)     3             3           -

8           Shepelev           21         9           1           955                     2           -             4           -

9           Voloshyn          26         21         1           1705                   7           6             5           1

10         Shaparenko      22         19         -            1587                   4 (1)     5             5           -

18         Andriyevskyi  22         14         5           1253                   1           3             3           -

20         Karavayev          21         14         8           1362                   2           2             1           1

22         Kabayev              25         20         2           1672                   5           2             3           -

29         Buialskyi       23         20         1           1712                   10 (3)   5             2           -

30         Diallo               10         2           13         241                     1           -             2           -

33         Salenko            -            -            2           -                          -            -             -            -

37         Tsarenko           7           1           17         182                     1           -             -            -

77         Benito                18         4           11         445                     2           1             1           -

91         Matkevych         -            -            1           -                          -            -             -            -


11         Vanat                 27         26         -            2180                   14 (2)   7             5           1

21         Supriaha             8           -            4           53                       -            2             -            -

99         Ponomarenko 8           -            5           68                       1           -             1           -

* stands for goals from the penalty spot

Start – number of appearances in the starting lineup

Substitute – games when a performer was on players’ list, but didn’t take the field

YC – yellow cards

RC – red cards


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