Olexandr CHUBAROV: “Lobanovskyi was a well-rounded person”

Olexandr CHUBAROV: “Lobanovskyi was a well-rounded person”

- Lobanovskyi had his own postulates. According to him coach had no right to ask players about anything after the game or during the break. Coach’s task is to find solutions of different problems very quickly, but without such questions as “what’s going on?”.

Talking to players he always used pronouns “we” or “us” to make them feel that their coach is involved into the life of the team.

After every match he analyzed it very thoroughly, sometimes even till morning.

Lobanovskyi was a well-rounded person. Every morning he read news, besides he knew repertory of Kyiv theatres.

- Do you think Dynamo lack a coach like him now? We see performers, but not a team…

- Maybe. He could get on the right side of any performer. Players usually feature for money, for themselves and for the team. Sometimes they also feature for the coach. In such a case any team usually wins.

Unfortunately nowadays some performers play only for themselves and for money. We must get through to them.


* photo by V. Rasner

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