Olexiy MYKHAILYCHENKO: “Match against FC Luzern was a kind of result of our work on the first training camp”

Olexiy MYKHAILYCHENKO: “Match against FC Luzern was a kind of result of our work on the first training camp”

- This match was a kind of result of our work on the first training camp. We made a lot of substitutions. In general we are satisfied with the way our footballers worked. Still it was rather difficult for them to concentrate on the last match against FC Luzern as guys wanted to go home and meet their families. We also had 2 usual training sessions on Friday.

We tried to give everyone some time on the pitch. I’m glad that our team looked pretty good in both halves. Of course someone guys looked better than other but in general we have no claims to our players.

After Mehmedi’s goal our team let the opponent do what they didn’t manage in the first half. That’s why the ending was nervous. But we won deservedly and even demonstrated good team speed.

- What can you tell about Serhiy Sydorchuk who made his debut for Dynamo Kyiv?

- It’s very good that he passed the training camp with us. We told him that he would get his chance. Serhiy played rather well. Of course he made some mistakes but in general his debut was good. He did what we told him to. If Serhiy keeps working hard he’ll get his chance to become the first team regular. It’s all in his hands.

- Heel pass by Andriy Yarmolenko, Liulka bends the ball and header by Tsurykov. Did you work this combination out during training sessions?

- It was an example of dynamic flank attack. Of course Liulka made several mistakes before bending the ball but it’s ok. During the first training camp we worked on physical conditions mostly.

- Will the same squad go to the second training camp or some changes are possible?

- At the moment we can’t say anything concrete about Aliyev as he was injured and missed about 10 days of training sessions. Gemega and Khlyobas also have problems with health. Maybe we’ll take someone from the Reserve team or Dynamo-2. 11 players of our team got call-ups to their national teams so we’ll need more footballers.

- When will Marco Ruben be back?

- I am not sure about that. He already tried to play but felt some discomfort again. We’ll have more information before the second training camp.

- What about Olexandr Shovkovskiy?

- We have no information from doctors yet.

- Dudu should have already returned to Kyiv…

- To be able to play he’ll have to do the work the whole team already did. I don’t know how we’ll solve this problem yet.


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