Friendly game. Dynamo - Obolon - 4:2

Friendly game. Dynamo - Obolon - 4:2

The White-Blues held their last friendly game before the Super Cup match, defeating Obolon 4-2. The game took place in Koncha-Zaspa on the 11th of July.

During the first half of the game Dynamo managed to score only one goal into the rival’s net when Ninković moved from the left and kicked the ball. The second half was played by another line-up. Thanks to this change the score was immediately doubled. Bangoura shot in the corner of the net in the 47th minute. Later on Obolon responded by a resulting attack making the score 2-1. Dynamo began to lead with a two-goal difference again when Milevskyy scored the third goal. At the end of the match both teams succeeded in putting the ball in the opponent’s net. Thanks to Milevskyy’s pass Yarmolenko made the last Dynamo goal.  4:2 – perfect rehearsal with positive result.

Dynamo – Obolon – 4:2

Dynamo (first half): Shovkosvskyy, Nesmachnyy, Betão, Mykhalyk, Diakhaté, Ghioane, Yussuf, Vukojević, Ninković, Aliyev, Kravets

Dynamo (second half): Shovkosvskyy (Rybka, 60), Romanchuk, Sablić, Dopilka, Morozyuk, Zozulya, Lysenko, Shatskikh, Milevskyy, Bangoura, Yarmolenko

Goals: Ninković (39), Bangoura (47), Milevskyy (58), Yarmolenko (90) – Budnyy (53), Myroshnychenko (75).

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