Ihor SURKIS: “We’re approaching Champions League with bells on”

Ihor SURKIS: “We’re approaching Champions League with bells on”

- Despite the status of the game you are always at the stadium. Even after your brother’s birthday.

- I love football. As you can see, I’m sober and I don’t have hangover (smiling). I came to have a look at our reservists and the team in general. I’m satisfied with what I’ve seen! I think it was a good decision to play this game at Dynamo Stadium. Some fans came to support the team. We needed this sparring to get ready for following official fixtures. Besides a lot of our main squad performers haven’t joined their national teams.

- The game has proved Dynamo have good reservists…

- When coach lacks players he has some difficulties, but it’s also problematic when there are too many of them. For example everyone knows Kranjcar is experienced performer, but it can be seen with naked eye that he’s not ready to play yet. Still he’s able to feature for 20-30 minutes and help the team.

As for Shovkovskyi, just look what he did in this match thought he didn’t have to hurt his knees and hips. That’s professionalism. It means that we’re approaching Champions League with bells on. We must gladden our supporters.

- What’s wrong with Sydorchuk?
- I’ve just talked to our doctors about him. Sydorchuk will be fine in 5-6 days. His loss is a serious problem for us as he’s one of our leading supporting midfielders. We need experienced performers, especially considering what teams we’ll oppose.

- Will you watch Ukraine national team matches?

- Of course! I wish our team success.

- Will the game against Slovakia be more difficult than against Belarus?

- We must win both matches if we want to finish second in our group. Moreover, we can still fight for the first place. Matches against Belarus and Slovakia will be difficult.

The game against Belarus will be very intense. It will be great to win by any margin.

- What are your impressions of Gonzalez’s play?

- He is still to work on physical conditions. Gonzalez knows that. After training sessions he works individually. Yesterday I saw him at the gym. He should also understand the structure of our play. Anyway he has great speed and technical skills. He just needs some time.

- Dragovic has stated he had two transfer offers in summer. Were they official?
Maybe someone addressed to him, but the club didn’t get official transfer offers for Dragovic. This player takes the high road. He knows that if we get any offers that satisfy all parties we’ll discuss them. On the other hand sometimes we can’t let our leaders go.

- Did you sigh with relief after transfer window closed?

- I wasn’t too nervous… I just made my mind and slept easily if you mean the situation concerning Yarmolenko. As I’ve already said, we need him more than ever! It’s been a while since we performed in the Champions League and Dynamo with and without Yarmolenko are different teams. Of course we can’t be sure we’ll succeed even with Andriy, but we hope he’ll help us.

As for his transfer, believe me, Yarmolenko will have a chance to join good European club.

* photo by V. Rasner

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