Oleh HUSIEV: “Head coach has his point of view, I can have another”

Oleh HUSIEV: “Head coach has his point of view, I can have another”

- Oleh, does current preparation for second part of the season differ from previous years?

- It doesn’t differ from previous training camps a lot. Of course every coach has some peculiarities in his methods of work. Anyway I coped with exercise load easier in the beginning of my career.

- What is the best way to have rest after intense training sessions?

- We have ice, massage and sauna. The thing is that when I was younger I could play cards with teammates after training session and now I must visit massage therapists.

- Does play of the team throughout the season depend upon work at the training camp?

- It depends upon every player in particular.

As for me, if I miss a training camp it will be difficult for me to recondition.

- Speaking about the play Dynamo demonstrated in autumn Oleh Blokhin paid special attention to newcomers’ adaptation to new team. Have you overcome this problem?

- Head coach has his point of view, I can have another. I agree that five new performers can’t start demonstrating their best play at once. Coaching staff is in search of the optimal squad.

We played six friendlies at the first training camp and will play five more at the second.

Anyway any game is better than training session.

- Do you prefer playing instead of exercising?

- I think all players do. Still we understand that it will be difficult to demonstrate good results without proper work.


* photos by A. Lukatskyi, V. Rasner

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