Dynamo second day in Austria: weather favors work

Dynamo second day in Austria: weather favors work

It took our team about 10 minutes to get from Interalpen hotel to the training ground located in a small town called Leutash by bus.

Comfortable conditions

Sunny weather and light breeze favor effective work.

Serhiy Rebrov has decided to get to the training pitch by bicycle.

The first training session was dedicated to jogging.

All players and coacher were in a good mood. It’s quite clear that Dynamo have no problems with team spirit.

The only one who felt depressed was goalkeeper Heorhiy Bushchan as he hasn’t recovered from strep throat yet.

Stiff fight

Our team started the second day with gym.

Players exercised for about 30 minutes after which they went to the training session.

After a stretch and scamper there was a relay race. Losing side had to do push-ups. The fight was rather stiff.

At the end of the training session the team was divided into “reds” and “whites” (7x7). Each player had his own opponent. The task was to sell the dummy and to score. Eventually “reds” won 8:5. Artem Kravets and Admir Mehmedi scored two goals each.

Having returned to the hotel players had one hour for leisure. Some decided to visit massage room and some went to the pool. Next training session starts at 18:00.


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