Andriy YARMOLENKO: “In the Champions league I’d like to face Real, Chelsea and Roma”

Andriy YARMOLENKO: “In the Champions league I’d like to face Real, Chelsea and Roma”

The player told about his future plans, young and promising Kyivans’ performers, start of the new season etc.

- You often communicate with journalists. Isn’t media interest to you irritating?
After I saw how European players communicate with journalists I changed my attitude to that. Now I try to tell people about this or that match even after bad games. Dynamo have a lot of supporters and we must respect them.

- They say that if Andriy Yarmolenko leaves Dynamo that will actually be like losing half of the team. Are there players that can replace you worthily?

- We have high profile coaches, who can replace any player. We have a lot of youngsters, who are making headway. If they get more game practice they will become Dynamo future.

- Are you going to conduct transfer negotiations till the end of summer?

- Of course I want to try to play in another league. Anyway that’s up to the president of our club.

- Did Stoke City FC Representatives come to Kyiv?

- They made a transfer offer, but Ihor Surkis rejected it.

- Are you miffed at Dynamo president for not letting you go?

- I don’t. I understand him. I guess he wants to preserve the squad considering that we are to perform in the Champions League. I’m a professional and I’m going to work hard according to my contract. I perform for the team I’ve been supporting since childhood. My home, family and friends are here.

- What if Ihor Surkis offers you another good two-year contract, for example?

- Money isn’t above all for me… Of course it matters in our life, but first of all I want to make headway as player. When I signed a contract with Dynamo last summer I told Ihor Surkis I wouldn’t sign another one after that.

- Which game was the best one for you in the Europa League last season?

- Personally I liked the game against Guingamp in Kyiv. We demonstrated virile character.

- Can the chance to perform in the Champions League make you stay in Kyiv?

- I try not to think about possible transfer. There’s a person, who deals with this issue. My task is to work and play football.

- What team would you like to face in the Champions League?

- I’d like to face Real Madrid. I want to see Cristiano’s play. I used to oppose Messi and I don’t want to play against Barcelona again. It’s hardly possible to dispossess them. I want Real, Chelsea and Roma to be our opponents.

- You demonstrate good results early this season. What about Dynamo play? Should you still work on it?

- I guess so. Apparently we have some problems. It’s good that we win and earn points, but in every game there are episodes I don’t like.

- Are Miakushko and Buialskyi ready to replace Lens and Belhanda this season?

- Why not? I think one should believe in young players. I’m sure that Buialskyi and Miakushko will become Dynamo first team regulars.

- How come Dynamo experienced players get so many red cards this season?

- I don’t know. Maybe it’s some coincidence. Shovkovskyi committed desperate foul, Rybalka and Dragovic got two bookings. Danilo was sent off for struggling for the ball. Khacheridi also got a red card.

- Junior Moraes adapted to the team quickly. It didn’t take him half a year to start playing…

- At the training camp he didn’t understand our game style to the full, but eventually he adapted and started scoring. He’s earned six points for us. He is a good striker.

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