Andriy YARMOLENKO: “I won’t let anyone offend me!!!”

Andriy YARMOLENKO: “I won’t let anyone offend me!!!”

“I realize that I’ve let the team down and I’m very sorry about that! You can reason about my play as everyone has a right for personal point of view, but I won’t let anyone insult me!!!

I think that it’s completely wrong to say foul things about people via media.

You call yourself an expert, but I think that expert is someone who has achieved some success as a coach and not someone who drinks beer sitting on police team bench.

I won’t keep providing examples, but I’m tired of listening to what you say about me and my teammates. Learn to express yourself correctly!!!

P.S. Of course I’m waiting for your response as I want to have a good laugh at your comments, as I always do!

Yours respectfully, Andriy Yarmolenko”


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